The Shortcut That Slows You Down
We live in a time when convenience is king.
Fast delivery, instant downloads, quick fixes—it’s all designed to get us what we want as fast as possible. We all have access to constant dopamine at our fingertips, but that isn’t a good thing.
While it might be convenient at times, this level of access has rewired us to constantly look for shortcuts in areas where shortcuts don’t work.
How can I get stronger in as little time as possible?
How can I improve my body composition in just 30 days?
How can I become a better dad or husband overnight?
What’s the magic training program?
The perfect macro split?
The one book or podcast that will change everything?
The truth is, there is no magic. There is plenty of helpful information and valuable tools out there, but the results always take time.
Anything meaningful takes time, effort, and consistency. And ironically, the one way to make progress take even longer is to ignore that fact and chase the shortcut.
None of this is groundbreaking—but it’s the truth, and it is a reminder that I need to hear every now and again.
When you try to find a shortcut to strength, you burn out or get injured. When you chase a quick-fix diet, you end up spinning your wheels, losing progress the moment the “challenge” ends.
When you aim for instant improvement as a parent, a leader, or a partner, you set yourself up for frustration and unrealistic expectations because growth doesn’t happen overnight.
The long way is the shortcut. And the sooner you embrace it, the faster you’ll get where you want to go.
This is a reminder I’ve needed more times than I’d like to admit. I’ve been guilty of chasing shortcuts in training, business, and even my personal life, and it always leads to the same place: frustration and tough lessons learned.
The process is not glamorous. It’s not fast. But it works.
As You Head Into This Year
If there’s one thing I want to remind you of as we tackle 2025, it’s this: Don’t fall for the shortcut. There’s no magic program, diet, or hack that will get you there faster.
The quickest way to reach your goals is to accept that it’s going to take time—and to commit to showing up every single day.
That’s why our programs are designed to guide you over weeks, months, and years. That’s why our TH5 nutrition protocol is built around a MINIMUM of 12 weeks to jumpstart change and then focuses on habits that build lifelong results.
No matter your goal—strength, body composition, leadership, or something else—embrace the process. Stay patient. Show up. And remember: the long way is the shortcut.
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